Τετάρτη 20 Ιουνίου 2012

Via Sacra 2 Πώς; Roma, 30-6-2012

“Iera Odos/Sacred Way/Via Sacra 2” is a production of Omada Ison Ena (Group Equals One) from Athens, a group that systematically works on open public spaces in the city.

It is a sight-seeing tour/performance that began in Athens/2011, based on texts of Messengers from the ancient Greek drama (Aeschylus’ Persians, Sophokles’ Antigone and Euripides’ Medea), as well as on modern texts from newspapers, poems and personal stories. The initial question of this work is What is this, that we want to tell to the city now, and the city to us? Contemporary messengers of a harsh history, how we address the city now, collectively? Since we are the city, aren’t we? And since once upon a time, in a city (called Athens), theatre and democracy were born (in the same time). We take these three words, city-theatre-democracy, and we face the historical moment and the memory. In Greece, and in any other “Greece” which is to come.

Sacred Way 2 (already presented in Athens, Roma, Creta) is looking for and extending Iera Odos, the Via Sacra that led (and is still leading) to Eleusina and its famous Mysteries. This, for us today, means looking for the body of the city, the collective voice of us/citizens, the common need.
 The ancient “messages” lead us to contemporary questions. Afterall, the street is here. So, the only thing to be done is to take the steps. Our steps, today. In any street, where the audience will create with us (as a “horos/chorus” of citizens) the common rhythm/space to do it.

 With this production, Omada Ison Ena is participating, with Motus, Angelo Mai and Nuovo Cinema Palazzo, in a theatrical meeting by/in Teatro Valle, under the title Πώς;                                                   Πώς; means Come? in Greek.
Joseph Beuys said:  “We are the Revolution”. We are the History, too.

-Iera Odos 2 goes on, each time with the same guides and a different, ‘’local’’ chorus.  Each chorus is created with participants of the workshop The Body of the City, which takes place in the streets of every city, and thus forming a new/common Chorus and Space, that makes the journey possible to go on.
-In our second “tour” in Roma, we have the big opportunity and joy to try our common steps in collaboration with Teatro Valle Occupato, which will be the last “sight” of our performance. During the four days workshop “The body of the city/Il Corpo della Città” (27-30 June, 15.00-20.00) around/in Valle we will try to create the Chorus of the performance, together with the people of Valle and anyone else interested. We will work on the ancient Greek texts and their political frame, as well as on contemporary/our texts and frames.

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